Effective shoulder workouts with the best shoulder exercises.

Top 10 Best Shoulder Exercises for Building Muscle

1. Push-Press Allows you to load up more weight, and do more reps

Effective shoulder workouts with the best shoulder push press exercises

Effective shoulder workouts with the best shoulder push press exercises


2. Military Press Elicit a greater degree of muscle activation

3. Rear Delt Row

Effective shoulder workouts with the best shoulder exercises rear delt row

Effective shoulder workouts with the best shoulder exercises rear delt row

4. Seated Dumbbell Press Can help maximize muscle growth


5. Seated Barbell Press Allows you to easily push weight

6. Upright Row Do it after your presses for 8-10 reps per set

7. Arnold Pre Great first in your workout, or second


8. Rear Delt Fly


9. Lateral Raise


10. Front Raise It's a great last movement for a burnout